corporate yoga
Corporate yoga at your workplace is beneficial for both the company as well as its employees. Hours spent hunched over computers or commuting to and from work often leads to shoulder, back and neck tension, stiffness and headaches. Additional stress is often added by the fast paced world we live in. Employees often end up having demanding schedules with little or no time for themselves. Left unchecked, this could lead to a company filled with burnt-out employees, unable to manage their own stress and anxiety levels, with very little energy left for work.
Corporate yoga offers the company a unique and inexpensive opportunity to address these challenges in the workplace. Yoga adds an element of fun, whilst investing in the wellbeing of their employees. It is an excellent way to look after the individuals need to de-stress and decompress. It boosts energy levels, team spirit, increases focus, creativity, productivity and encourages healthy team dynamics and improved relationships with co-workers. To enquire now, click here
We are mobile..
Our 1-hour mobile yoga sessions in a corporate setting, with our certified and experienced yoga teacher, are tailored to address all of the above issues. Sessions include postures to alleviate tension in the shoulders, back and neck. Classes are designed to include all fitness levels and ability and are aimed at relieving tension in the body, anxiety in the mind and promote a general feeling of well-being.
Corporate yoga can transform your entire company culture; leaving your employees feeling happier, healthier and more relaxed and capable of having a productive day at the office. Enjoy better inter-office relationships! We will provide an experienced and qualified yoga instructor. You provide a space (conference rooms, larger offices or gym) To book your session now, click here
benefits of cororate yoga
Relieves stress and anxiety
Yoga is a mind-body exercise that aids in reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and heart rate.
Less absenteeism
Yoga can improve physical and mental health. Increased energy levels will have employees more motivated for work.
Less staff turnover
Yoga can increase team engagement. Leading to a more positive work environment.
Increases office morale
Introducing corporate yoga will aid in creating a positive atmosphere and boosted team morale.
Less fatigue. More energy
Yoga improves sleep and reduces stress and anxiety. Additionally it is an excellent natural energy booster.
Increased concentration, focus and productivity
A calm and relaxed employee is a more focused and productive employee.
Join our Corporate Yoga program today
Yoga Hive aims to encourage employers and their employees to attain a happier and healthier lifestyle. Yoga is an exercise that has been proven to relax body and mind and to improve and boost energy levels.
Experience the benefits first hand.